Gloria Pedroza

Gloria Pedroza is originally from Guatemala. There she started her coffee career as professional cupper and quality manager working at the coffee export company of the Neumann Kaffee  Gruppe back in 1998.  In 2003 she moved to Veracruz, Mexico and worked as quality manager for the sister company Exportadora de Café California.  For twelve years she has been living in Zug, Switzerland and works as Quality Manager at NKG Quality Service, where she comes to cup coffees from around the world.

Gloria has 18 years of experience in regards to quality assurance for green coffee.  As head of the NKG Quality Service department, she is in charge of training cuppers and quality managers within the NKG coffee companies.  The department also offers consultancy services related to quality assurance procedures, product development and green coffee and sensory training for customers and third parties.

In 2006 she won the World Cup Tasters Championship and shortly after that she joined the Swiss National Judges team. As a professional cupper and WCC Certified Sensory Judge, she travels around the world visiting coffee farms and judging international barista competitions and its different disciplines.

Today she is Authorised SCA Trainer for green coffee and sensory skills courses and is certified Q-Grader and Q-Trainer.


Hector Garcia Jimenez


Fiona Sutinee Amornpatanakul